love is all there is...

1:10 p.m. || 2003-03-19
Well I guess my tongue is ok, even though I purged with it in and still new. Only 2 or 3 times though...

I have been eating like a total pig. Today I am getting back on track. Seriously. I have to get this last 30 pounds off asap.

I have a job interview today, at a car wash for a cashier position. It pays 8 dollars an hour, which isnt too bad. I also got a call from the newspaper about a job, which I would love to get, but I am afraid with my hair the way it is that I am shit out of luck, since there is no way I will change it. . .

I guess I am an idiot.

Things are going well with S. He is really great and we have alot of fun. Still, I am not very happy most of the time.

I am sick, and I feel like hell. I want to lay in bed with some hot tea and relax, but I can't. I have too much to do. Homework, exercise, job interview, some housework...

I do plan to rest tonight though and do some painting. I haven't painted in so long, so I can't wait.

I really hope I get this job. I need it pretty badly. Money is running low, and it is giving me major stress.

I am sad right now, though I don't know why. Maybe it is because of my fat, bloated body. It disgusts me. Why do I have to be so fat? Ugh.

Anyway, I will update again soon. Sorry it hasn't been as regular lately, but I have been busy being miserable and pretending to be happy.

Wish me luck on my job interview. . .

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