love is all there is...

Homecoming. . .
11:19 p.m. || 2003-09-02
Pretty soon you will see a big red X at the top of my diary. I can not afford to pay the wimpy 10 bucks for the images.

I was so happy to get home. Elated. I was normal for a day. That day, that I got home. I ate normally, I slept normally, I laughed and talked... I was almost the me I was once.

Everything is hell now. I can't stop eating. I fasted for several days, but then I started eating. And throwing up. My sanity swirling in chunks in the porcelain toilet.

I'm going to bed now. I will update again tomorrow.

I am so very sad. I hate this fat body, this thing that wants to stuff itself. I wish I could be rid of it.

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