love is all there is...

spring break
8:57 p.m. || 2005-03-06
Finally Spring Break is here. Of course, I happen to be sick blah. I am not doing anything other than work anyway so it doesn't really matter. Anyway things are ok I guess. I am in a serious depression. I want to hide in a hole. But life won't allow for that so I have to keep it to myself.

School is going ok just wish it was over with already.

I miss my cat a lot and really sometimes I want to get high or run off and be crazy... life is so restricting now and I am not used to it. But I can't and I don't think I really want to anyway. I love Tom and that would break his heart maybe and thats the last thing I want to do.

Anyway nothing new happening. Been losing some weight, always a good thing I guess.

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