love is all there is...

Mall Rats
9:44 p.m. || 2002-11-17
Silence ticking.. ticking.

Time bomb in disguise.

Tantum sickling.. sickling.

Phantoms in my eyes.

So this is going to be a bit boring. I worked all day, then went and got some sweaters from American Eagle, which were 2 sizes smaller than the last ones I bought. As I strolled along in the mall with Peter, I saw all the perfect people laughing.. they all looked so thin, so happy, so cool. So I tell myself, when I am thin I will be happy. I will never be thin. I will never be happy. I will never be cool. I'm not sure the cool part matters...

I had a nice time in the mall. My friend Peter is very nice. How he can stand hanging out with me is beyond me.

I had a smoothie, which I digested. But later I was forced to eat and I puked it all up; pizza with veggies, salad, couple cookies. I must say it tasted quite heavenly going in, and not so much coming out. The jalepenos in particular.

I am stuck at this huge fatness. I feel like my fatness is swallowing me whole. I really hate looking at myself. I can see the fat growing.. growing. Its like its sucking me into a cacoon and soon I wont even exist.

I wish I didn't exist now.

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