love is all there is...

Am I Ill?
8:13 p.m. || 2003-02-27
SO everything went well at the gynecologist. She gave me vitamins and made me promise to take them, after she poked my finger and checked my blood (dont know why she did that; she never has before.. ). I have been having a sharp pain in my side for some time now, but today it has been pulsating all day long. I am going to ask my doctor about it, since the gyne. said it is not my ovaries. Hopefully it is nothing major...

I am excited about my date with S. tomorrow! We are going to hang out all day, and go see Final Destination 2.

I really need to pay attention to my homework. I just have no motivation to do anything at all, it seems. I guess I am just depressed, but it feels like the end of the world is coming! Today was not so bad, though.

I am way exhausted. I was going to try the Atkin's diet, but I ended up binging and purging (surprise, eh).

I guess I need to go to bed. I am really tired and I don't feel so hot. I will write that new poetry this weekend, I suppose.

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