love is all there is...

nostalgia day
9:48 a.m. || 2004-07-31
Just about to head out to work... the sky is hazy, my head is fuzzy...

It is supposed to be dress nostalgic day, like you did in highschool, but no jeans and tshirts... I wonder what did I wear besides that? I can't even remember. It's like I was a different person that I barely knew and can hardly remember. So I am sticking to khakis and a coral cashmere sweater.

Yesterday was wonderful and horrible. I spent the entire day surrounded by and consuming food..

Today my face is swollen, dark halfmoons cradle my eyes, my lips are crimson and skin pale...

I don't even want to eat. I didn't want to eat yesterday. It was more of an, I can do it so I must and I must enjoy it, sort of bp thing.

I can tell by the way my clothes fit that I have lost more weight.

I finally got my digital scale back. The numbers on the display stand out dark and sure, they make me feel safe. I can tell if I gain even .10 of a lb again.

One week until I move. I am terrifed. But I can't wait at the same time.

Its a dreary, tired, lazy day outside. The world looks sad and fed up.

Heather gray sky at the tips of my fingers..

painted in streaks and shudders by the

sorrows of thousands of souls.


(ps, hugs to claire)

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